Salman Khan’s signing amount skyrocketed from Rs 5,000 to Rs 5 lakhs after Maine Pyar Kiya, reveals director Lawrence D’Souza
Film director and cinematographer Lawrence D'Souza recently opened up about when he and his producer friend signed Salman Khan for a mere Rs 5,000 after watching his debut film, Maine Pyar Kiya (1989). In an interview with Friday Talkies, D'Souza reminisced about Salman's early days as an actor and how director and producer S Ramanathan had signed him for the same amount. However, the film they intended to make together never materialised. Wjihen Salman Khan Questioned Producers S Ramanathan As Salman's star rose, the signing amounts offered to him also increased. D'Souza recalled a time when even Salman himself questioned why the producer was paying him such substantial amounts without actually working with him. "We went for the trial of Maine Pyar Kiya at Rajshri," D'Souza shared. "After watching the film, S Ramanathan, with whom I was working on a film called Pratiksha, said, 'Lawrence, let's sign Salman.' So I called Salman at his...