Imran Khan, the charismatic actor who recently stirred a social media storm with his hints about a Bollywood comeback, once again captivated his Instafam on Wednesday. The artist delved into the treasure trove of memories as he shared a series of enchanting behind-the-scenes photographs from his 2010 film Break Ke Baad. What added a special touch to the nostalgia trip was the presence of his co-star, the stunning Deepika Padukone, in the images. Sharing the BTS pictures, Imran wrote in caption, “In the summer of 2010, I went to Mauritius to shoot Break ke Baad. We swam every day, ate a lot of seafood, sampled Mauritian rum (potent), and made some friends for life. It was a blast. Apparently, in between all the revelries, we managed to make a film as well. This one always had a special place in my heart, because of how much I enjoyed making it. I can't show you many of the behind the scenes photographs, as it may compromise the modesty of certain individuals... but here's a gli...