After receiving an astounding response for ‘Sunoh’, ‘Va Va Voom’, ‘In Raahon Mein’, and the trailer, Netflix’s The Archies added another feather by hosting a star-studded music album launch event. The film’s ensemble cast including Dot (Aditi), Agastya Nanda, Khushi Kapoor, Mihir Ahuja, Suhana Khan, Vedang Raina and Yuvraj Menda along with the filmmaker Zoya Akhtar, Reema Kagti, and music team, Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy, Ankur Tewari, Tejas and Shivam Mahadevan unveiled the 16-song album amidst the huge crowd from the industry, media, and influencers. The gala event kicked off with a tete-a-tete with Zoya Akhtar, Reema Kagti, and the music team Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy and Ankur Tewari. The evening witnessed the cast dancing to the electrifying tunes of ‘Va Va Voom’. Suhana Khan, Agastya Nanda, and Khushi Kapoor danced to the tunes of ‘Asymmetrical’ sung by Dot. Additionally, Ankur Tewari and Tejas gave a smashing performance and had the audience cheering in and crooning along to ‘Choona Aasman’ a...