Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani marked the return of Karan Johar as a director after seven years since his last feature film Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. Starring Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt in the lead roles, the film has garnered positive response across the board. It also stars Dharmendra, Shabana Azmi, Jaya Bachchan, Tota Roy Chowdhury, Churni Ganguly, Aamir Bashir and Anjali Anand. The film, which was released on July 28, is currently available for rent on Prime Video. In a recent interview, the director said that the actor has two sides to himself. Speaking to Mid-Day, Karan said, “He is actually very much two people. There is that one person who is silent, quiet, and happy with self, an introvert. And then there is an extrovert, an exhibitionist, an absolute like out there individual. So, I am surprised he is not a Gemini because he is really two people." He added, “(The) second person none of you will ever meet. So, he is not like this. He is not wild all the time. He is conserv...