The Rohit Shetty directed film, Cirkus, has such an interesting star cast that could be extremely fun to work with. In fact, the entire cast of the film which includes, Ranveer Singh, Jacqueline Fernandez, Pooja Hegde and Varun Sharma have been busy promoting the venture alongside Rohit, and their camaraderie is pretty evident. If that was not proof enough, even on screen, from the visuals in the trailer of Cirkus , their epic bonding is pretty visible. Speaking about just that in a recent conversation with Bollywood Hungama , Jacqueline opened up about her reaction when she was offered the film, and what is was like working on Cirkus . The gorgeous actress when asked about the atmosphere on the sets of Cirkus, shared, “Every film has its own atmosphere which can not always be fun. However, with this particular film, it was actually fun as when I initially got the call to do the film, I did really feel nervous as it is a really big film and there was sort of pressure as Rohit Shett...