Ajay Devgn, Amitabh Bachchan, and Rakul Preet Singh starrer MayDay has a new title. The film has now been titled Runway 34 . The makers also shared the first look posters of the lead cast. The film also stars Angira Dhar and makes the directorial return of Devgn. After the three stars shared teasers on their social media platforms on Sunday, the first poster was unveiled on November 29. Ajay Devgn unveiled the first look poster and captioned it, " MayDay is now Runway 34. A high-octane thriller inspired by true events that is special to me, for reasons more than one! #Runway34 - Landing on Eid, April 29, 2022, as promised". MayDay is now Runway 34. A high-octane thriller inspired by true events that is special to me, for reasons more than one! #Runway34 - Landing on Eid, April 29, 2022, as promised ???? @SrBachchan @Rakulpreet @bomanirani @CarryMinati @aakanksha_s30 @angira_dhar @ADFFilms pic.twitter.com/X0DNuQNewx — Ajay Devgn (@ajaydevgn) November 29, 2021 ...