After spending over three weeks behind bars in Arthur Road Jail, Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan has now been released and is back to his home Mannat. The star kid was arrested by Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in drugs raid case on a cruise ship on October 3. After being denied bail twice, Bombay High Court granted him bail on October 28. Reacting to his release from Arthur Road Jail on October 30, filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma shared multiple tweets that have grabbed a lot of attention. He tweeted, "In Bollywood, Diwali has always been reserved for a Khans' release. This Diwali also Khan got released." In Bollywood, Diwali has always been reserved for a Khans's release. This Diwali also Khan got released. — Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) October 30, 2021 In a series of tweets earlier, RGV said that this arrest was just to settle scores with Shah Rukh Khan. Bottom line is everyone including the agency knows nothing will come out of the accusations on Aryan ...