The world knows that Mohammed Rafi, who left us 41 years ago on July 31, was a versatile singer who even modulated his voice as per the actor he was singing for on screen. Dilip Kumar, Shammi Kapoor, Rajendra Kumar, Raaj Kumar, Dharmendra and Johnny Walker, and early Dev Anand, Jeetendra and Shashi Kapoor were among his most famous associations in a list that also included Amitabh Bachchan and Raj Kapoor and, of course, Kishore Kumar the actor. Known for his detachment from materialism, Rafi also sang a lot for small films, small composers and small-time actors, often reducing his fees for them or forsaking them altogether. But there were some famous names for whom Rafi lent his voice, who are not that commonly thought of in association with that nonpareil singer. Here’s looking at the songs, mostly hits, which he sang for them. 1. Uttam Kumar: Uttam Kumar, that giant from Bengali cinema, occasionally flirted with Hindi films and his first such excursion was his own production, Ch...